Wrightsville, PA • 717-478-1780 • info@lowsusriverkeeper.org
About Stream Team
The Stream Team Monitoring Program is a collaboration between the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM), Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, and the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association.
Stream Team aims to engage volunteers in Pennsylvania to collect scientific data of known quality that can inform local approaches for improving watershed health. We are looking for volunteer teams to contribute to this informative and enjoyable effort.
Our citizen scientists are currently analyzing temperature, pH, conductivity, and nitrate/nitrogen in many tributaries in the Lower Susquehanna Watershed. We have over 85 volunteers monitoring over 50 sites in York, Cumberland, Dauphin and Lancaster Counties. Our goal is to expand into other counties with the help of volunteers like you.
What does a Stream Team volunteer look like?
A group of people interested in monitoring the health of local streams
Conducts monthly data collection (2-5 hours per month for one year)
Participates in a macroinvertebrate workshop (once a year)
Maintains equipment and follows protocols as outlined in the monitoring manual
Completes the data sheets and submits to ALLARM
Participates in Quality Control and follow-up meetings
Stays in communication with ALLARM and other team members
Wants to have fun!
Why is the Stream Team important?
Stream monitoring is a vital tool in assessing the health of the Susquehanna & Potomac watersheds and reviewing the progress of the Chesapeake Bay pollution blueprint
This program collects credible scientific data that can be used to make decisions about improving watersheds.
How will collected data be used?
To establish a baseline understanding of local stream health
To help inform potential follow-up decisions
Results will be shared at the local level
Data will be uploaded to the Chesapeake Data Explorer regional database