Wrightsville, PA • 717-478-1780 • info@lowsusriverkeeper.org
LOCATION: Hanover Foods Facility, York County PA
STATUS: Active
ISSUE IN BRIEF: Our organization filed a federal lawsuit with representation by Environmental Integrity Project against Hanover Foods in York County for significant and ongoing violations of federal and state clean water laws.
The Hanover Foods facility in York County, PA, an hour south of Harrisburg, has routinely and illegally discharged pollutants into nearby waterways and has failed to comply with pollution monitoring and reporting requirements, in violation of both the federal Clean Water Act and Pennsylvania’s Clean Streams Law.
Excessive pollution into Oil Creek, which then flows to Codorus Creek, a popular fishing stream, and then the Lower Susquehanna River, threatens the region’s abundant recreational uses, including kayaking, fishing, and bird-watching, as well as the economic livelihoods of local business owners and employees.
THE LATEST: Our joint collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Justice, and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection continues to resolve violations at the facility. We have extended our stay with the court for another couple months allowing us time to consult with the parties and develop a framework that Hanover would follow to operate their treatment plant responsibly while achieving the goals of the Clean Water Act.
York Dispatch: York County food processor faces lawsuit over alleged water violations - 9/30/21
York Dispatch: Environmental groups threaten to sue Hanover Foods over alleged water violations - 7/7/21