Wrightsville, PA • 717-478-1780 • info@lowsusriverkeeper.org
5/7/24 - RT&S: AmeriStar Rail and Others Send Letters to Amtrak and MDE to Halt Historic Bridge Pier Demolition
4/22/24 - The Philadelphia Inquirer: These hiking trails in York County could soon be underwater thanks to a $2.5 billion hydroelectric dam
3/31/24 - Penn Live: York County company must disclose ‘forever chemical’ waste dumped in Susquehanna: report
3/29/24 - York Daily Record: Court: Modern Landfill must disclose it sent ‘forever chemical’ wastewater to Harrisburg
3/28/24 - York Dispatch: Modern Landfill must reveal where it disposes its wastewater: federal judge
3/26/24 - Morning AgClips: CBF Takes Legal Action to Stop York County Hydroelectric Facility
3/13/24 - York Daily Record: Bipartisan coalition of elected officials united in opposing Cuffs Run hydro project
3/12/24 - WITF: Hundreds oppose $2.5B hydroelectric project; what did Lancaster County planners decide?
3/6/24 - BAY JOURNAL: Public comments invited on controversial hydro project in Pennsylvania
3/5/24 - WGAL8: Government agency hosts meeting about hydroelectric dam on Susquehanna River
3/4/24 - FOX43: ‘It’s going to ruin my livelihood:’ York County community speaks against hydropower project on Susquehanna River
2/29/24 - York Dispatch: Prominent York Countians join chorus of opposition to proposed $2.3B hydroelectric dam project
2/22/24 - CBS21: Battle brews in York County over proposed $2 billion hydroelectric dam project
2/20/24 - PennLive: It’s February, but bugs are out along Susquehanna River
2/14/24 - WGAL: Lawmakers oppose hydroelectric project along Susquehanna River in York County
2/13/24 - THE BURG: Capital Region Water, agencies take key step in finalizing clean-water plan
2/13/24 - CBS21: Officials, community speak out against Cuffs Run dam project in York Co.
2/12/24 - York Daily Record: ‘Horrendous’: Big contingent of political leaders oppose Cuffs Run pumped storage project
2/12/24 - ABC27 WHTM: Proposed York river hydro project: A handout to ‘irresponsible’ Maryland or a way to prevent Texas-like blackouts?
2/12/24 - FOX 43: Lawmakers, elected officials announce joint opposition to proposed Cuffs Run energy project
2/12/24 - LNP Lancaster Online: Local and state officials oppose Cuffs Run hydroelectric plant
2/2/24 - York Dispatch: Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association expands with deputy director appointment
1/26/24 - LNP LancasterOnline: Hundreds of fish die on Susquehanna River near Brunner Island
1/26/24 - York Daily Record: ‘A ton of fish are dead’: State investigating Susquehanna fish kill near Brunner Island
1/25/24 - York Dispatch: Hundreds of dead fish found in Susquehanna River near Brunner Island
9/18/23 - York Daily Record: Meet York County’s 2023 Most Influential Activists
9/11/23 - WITF / State Impact Pennsylvania: State amphibian may get another shot at federal protections
9/7/23 - York Daily Record: Regulators reject plans for Cuffs Run hydroelectric project in southern York County
9/7/23 - FOX 43: $2.1 billion York County dam project rejected, company to reapply
7/20/23 - ABC27: Plans submitted for $2 billion dam, facility that could flood York County land
7/19/23 - PRESS RELEASE: Organizations, Neighbors Submit Opposition to Proposed Hydroelectric Facility on the Lower Susquehanna River
7/1/23 - ABC27: Plans submitted for $2 billion dam, facility that could flood York County land
6/22/23 - Bay Journal: Debate resumes on Conowingo Dam pollution problems
5/29/23 - York Dispatch: Proposed $2.1B hydroelectric dam near Safe Harbor hits first snag with federal regulators
5/10/23 - York Daily Record: York man has pulled 26,000 pieces of trash from the Susquehanna – 1 boatload at a time
3/28/23 - York Dispatch: Residents critical of ‘PR stunt’ amid anger over Modern Landfill contaminants
3/24/23 - Fox 43 News: Dozens of York County properties will be underwater if Pa. energy project is approved
2/28/23 - York Daily Record: New version of controversial Cuffs Run pumped storage plant proposed along Susquehanna
2/27/23 - PRESS RELEASE: Complaint Filed Today Against Federal Highway Administration for Violating NEPA
2/15/23 - York Daily Record: Deadline set for Harrisburg to stop flushing raw sewage into the Susquehanna
2/14/23 - Harrisburg Patriot News (Penn Live): Harrisburg’s long fight over sewage overflows into Susquehanna gets a peace pact; court approval is pending
2/13/23 - Fox43: Federal decree imposes deadline to address sewage overflow issues in Susquehanna River
2/13/23- CBS21 News: Court order will address issue of sewage runoff into the Susquehanna River
2/13/23 - PRESS RELEASE: Feds Give Harrisburg PA a Deadline for Solution to Chronic Sewage Overflows
1/19/23 - Fox 43 News: Pa. DEP sets PFAS limits for drinking water
1/11/23 - York Daily Record: Lawsuit filed alleging ‘dangerous’ levels of ‘forever chemicals’ in York County creek
1/11/23 - FOX 43 News: Non-profit group files lawsuit against York County landfill, accusing it of violating Clean Water Act regulations
1/11/23 - PRESS RELEASE: Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Files Citizen Suit Against Modern Landfill for Clean Water Act Violations, Including Dangerous PFAS Contamination
12/20/22 - Baltimore Sun:Federal court invalidates 50-year license for Maryland’s Conowingo Dam, a win for environmental groups
12/20/22 - The Washington Post: Judges kill deal to help Md. power company avoid bay cleanup
12/20/22 - Cecil Whig: Federal court overturns Conowingo Dam license
12/20/22 - PRESS RELEASE: D.C. Court of Appeals Vacates Federal License for Conowingo Dam
11/4/22 - York Dispatch: Nonprofit eyes lawsuit to force clean up at Modern Landfill
11/3/22 - PRESS RELEASE: Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Notifies Modern Landfill of Clean Water Act Violations, Including Dangerous PFAS Contamination
10/25/22 - PA State Senate Website: DiSanto Wants Commonwealth to Pay Its Fair Share of Stormwater Fees
10/21/22 - State Impact Pennsylvania WITF: York County creek worst in the country for PFAS pollution, study says
10/19/22 - York Daily Record: York County creek samples show highest levels of ‘forever chemicals’ in the country
10/18/22 - WREG Memphis: Most US waterways plagued by ‘forever chemicals’: analysis
10/18/22 - PRESS RELEASE: Unprecedented Analysis Reveals PFAS Contamination in York County Waterways Shows Shocking Levels of Contamination
10/17/22 - York Dispatch: York Tech students join ‘the great plastic purge‘
10/5/22 - Fox 43: Landfill discharge into Kreutz Creek violated state environmental standards
10/5/22 - York Dispatch: Water sampling with local environmentalists
10/5/22 - York Dispatch: Landfill discharge into Kreutz Creek violates DEP standards, remedy expected in 2023
9/28/22 - CBS21news: Raw sewage in Susquehanna River creates concerns for residents
9/22/22 - York Daily Record: Riverkeeper training started as kid, ‘We creek stomped every creek we could find’
7/23/22- Lancaster Online: Lancaster County stream projects get funding due to $1 million poultry plant settlement
7/22/22 - Law360: Court OKs Factory’s $1.3M Deal To End Water Pollution Suit
7/21/22 - ABC27: Susquehanna River group settles pollution claims against Lebanon poultry plant
7/21/22 - Penn Live: Susquehanna Waterkeeper organization settles pollution claims against Pa. plant
7/10/22 - LNP/LancasterOnline: A new advocate rises to fight for the Conestoga River
7/1/22 - PRESS RELEASE: Groups Announce Joint Efforts to Improve Access and Aesthetics Along the Conestoga River Water Trail
4/25/22 - WSBA MORNING NEWS WITH GARY SUTTON -NEWSTALK 93.9 910 WSBA RADIO: Give Local York Spotlight: Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association (Audio File)
4/19/22 - Fox 43: Volunteers keep Codorus Creek green and free of herbicides
3/27/22 - Fox 43: York County food processor accused of polluting local waterways | FOX43 Reveals
2/8/22 - Bay Journal: Susquehanna Riverkeeper joins talks to end Harrisburg sewage overflows
12/31/21 - Harrisburg-CBS 21 News: Officials warn of long-term effects Harrisburg flooding has on Susquehanna River
11/18/21 - Harrisburg-Penn Live: We need to use some of the federal funds coming to Pennsylvania to stop the sewage overflow nightmare in Harrisburg | Opinion
11/18/21 - Harrisburg-Penn Live: Susquehanna River contamination is getting worse, and Harrisburg’s sewer system is being blamed
11/15/21 - Harrisburg-CBS 21 News: PA broadband Internet and water systems benefiting from the Infrastructure bill
11/14/21 - Harrisburg-Fox 43 News: Why hundreds of millions of gallons of sewage are still being dumped into the Susquehanna
10/28/21 - Plastic-ABC27 News: Midstate community members encouraged to clean up plastics to help the Susquehanna River
9/30/21 - Hanover Foods-York Dispatch: York County food processor faces lawsuit over alleged water violations
8/9/21 - Conowingo-Maryland Matters: Opinion: Does Hogan Care More About Wealthy Corporations Than the Bay?
7/19/21 - Plastic-York Dispatch: 16,740 pieces of plastic: York City man cleaning up the Susquehanna River
7/7/21 - Hanover Foods-York Dispatch: Environmental groups threaten to sue Hanover Foods over alleged water violations
6/17/21 - Conowingo-WBALTV11: Court battle brewing over Conowingo Dam’s relicensing to Exelon
5/7/21 - Harrisburg-WITF/Transforming Health: Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper files legal action against Harrisburg, water company, citing sewage
5/6/21 - Harrisburg-Penn Live: A third-world problem’: 584 million gallons of Harrisburg-area wastewater discharged untreated in 2020
5/6/21 - Harrisburg-WGAL News 8: Environmental group files federal complaint over raw sewage discharged into Susquehanna River
5/6/21 - Harrisburg-Fox 43 News: Clean water advocates file federal complaint over sewage overflows from Harrisburg into Susquehanna River
5/6/21 - Harrisburg-CBS 21: Clean water advocates pursue legal action over Harrisburg sewage overflows
5/6/21 - Harrisburg-York Daily Record: Environmental advocates sue over raw sewage Harrisburg piped into the Susquehanna River
3/19/21 - Conowingo-Chesapeake Bay Magazine: Exelon relicensed to operate Conowingo Dam for next 50 years, after long fight
3/8/21 - Hellbenders-Chesapeake Bay Magazine: Susquehanna Groups to Sue Fish & Wildlife Service Over Hellbender Protection
3/4/21 - Hellbenders-The Center for Biological Diversity: Lawsuit Launched to Overturn Denial of Endangered Species Protection for Eastern Hellbenders
2/26/21 - Keystone Protein-Philadelphia Inquirer: Poultry plant owned by Bell & Evans will be fined for polluting Susquehanna River watershed
2/24/21 - Keystone Protein-Bay Journal: Federal judge to fine PA poultry plant as ‘deterrent to others’
2/16/21 - Plastics-Bay Journal: Fighting the plastics plague, one canoe-full at a time
2/9/21 - Harrisburg-York Daily Record: Raw sewage in the Susquehanna: Pa. ‘state government is basically defecating in the river’
05/07/2024 | |
04/22/2024 | The Philadelphia Inquirer: These hiking trails in York County could soon be underwater thanks to a $2.5 billion hydroelectric dam |
03/31/2024 | |
03/29/2024 | |
03/28/2024 | |
03/26/2024 | Morning AgClips: CBF Takes Legal Action to Stop York County Hydroelectric Facility |
03/13/2024 | |
03/12/2024 | |
03/06/2024 | |
03/05/2024 | |
03/04/2024 | |
02/29/2024 | |
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02/13/2024 | |
02/12/2024 | |
02/12/2024 | |
02/12/2024 | |
02/12/2024 | LNP Lancaster Online: Local and state officials oppose Cuffs Run hydroelectric plant |
02/02/2024 | |
01/26/2024 | LNP|LancasterOnline: Hundreds of fish die on Susquehanna River near Brunner Island |
01/26/2024 | |
01/25/2024 |